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Reigning Now

by Dwayne Gavin on 03/05/13

Amazingly, God placed dominion to the intellect of man and blessed it. It has been created in God's own image. Within all people there is an aspiration to reign. It is hardwired in our spirit which is God's breath in us. It is given the task to reign. It is God's Will never to be without you and thus, you are not without God, in that your mind s the product of God's image. There was no limit put on your mind. You may however, limit it! The task of your mind is to reach Christ consciousness. It's your calling and it's the journey you need to take. Accept it! All the so called problems that become the blame for not achieving greatness are normally created by your mind due to your lack of imagining beyond that problem which you've created. Recreate yourself today! God has blessed you!

Emerging Reality Reforms Your Life and Your future begins today with choosing your life.